From photographer Neil Schulman, enjoy this delightful slideshow to music!
Endemic yellow footed gulls starting their families, and music of Ginni’s flute
In a trip inspired by Marcos’ longtime passion for this place, we paddled 10 days from the mangrove mazes of…
“It never rains in Baja” is a fable often told in these parts, with a twinkle in the eye…
Sardines schooled in unimaginable numbers and pelicans plummeted out of the sky
One exquisite morning blessed us with rainbows for the entire crossing…
Creatures and people do amusing things in the estuary!
Playing in surf is a particularly good for honing one’s dynamic water skills. Surf Camp is a special place on…
Remando en un Mar Vivo courtesy of Toni De Baja This video has been a perpetual favorite. Toni weaves footage…
These entertaining, bright crabs graze at the waters edge. First episode in the Baja Critters video series.