October to November 2017, Santa Catalina Island, the most remote of the 5 Loreto National Park islands, saw its first…
Taking kids to the wilderness can be challenging (and amusing). The rewards are tremendous! Thanks to Jennifer Gwen Hughs for the photos.
Accessible in just a 3-day getaway, Danzante Island owas named by explorers who found the natives playing flutes and dancing.
Eleven kayaking friends, two trips to hospital (before launching), 1 vehicle breakdown, 99 caves & tunnels, 1 meter of surf, 1,375 pohutukawa trees, and 67 crumpets!
It’s been a dream for over a decade–to bring people to the surf break where I learned to play.
Ten new coaches trained and became certified in the international gold standard of paddlesports coaching, the UKCC (United Kingdom Coaching…
Sea Paddler Training this time around was a gift of the Gulf of California winds. Within the space of about…
Heart of Polynesia–the Coconut. Food, drink, ceremony, medicine, beauty, and even entertainment…
It’s culture, adventure, history. It’s desert prickly and canyon lush. It’s large furry animals in whom you put your trust…