Sea kayaking trips and courses in the Gulf of California
  • Journey > Magdalena Bay Waves & Wildlife

  • Sea lion pup with fish
  • Pelicans watch kayakers pass
  • Magdalena Pacific coast. Rockhopping!
  • Out to see the whales
  • Gray whale spyhopping
  • Mangroves are a haven for birds!
  • A great variety of colors and shapes!
  • Long-billed curlew
  • Marcos plays in the southern mouth of Bahia Almeja
  • Morning on the Sand Bar
  • High tide in the estuary
  • Morning light
  • Two female frigates and a juvenile
  • Whalebreath lingers in the air

Magdalena Bay Waves & Wildlife

The soul of an immense and beautiful landscape


Registration deadline: 30 November 2024

Fun paddling, playful sea lion pups, thousands of migratory birds, grey whales and magnificent landscapes make this an amazing experience.

Magdalena Bay is the meeting place of two significant ocean currents—the cold California Current coming from Alaska, and the warm Equatorial Countercurrent from across the Pacific. This vortex creates a massive upwelling of nutrients, which supports astonishing biodiversity. It is one of the largest lagoon systems and richest estuarine waters in the world, inviting a tremendous variety of wildlife to the feast.

Tremendous in its scope and beauty, Magdalena Bay is breathtaking, but it’s the expertise of our guide Marcos Simental, his deep local knowledge, and passion for sharing it that ultimately inspired us to put together one of the most rewarding trips we’ve ever done.

This is a motor-supported trip. Our route runs with the prevailing wind. Try out a sail! We will have a resupply about halfway through. On resupply day, we will spend an hour or 2 in the motorboat watching gray whales which migrate from Alaskan waters each year to breed and calve in Pacific lagoons such as this one.

Enjoy more trip photos here:
January 2020 Photo Gallery
February 2022 Photo Gallery.

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  •  +52 613-100-6508
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