Sea Paddler Training is a 6-day hotel-based course that utilizes a variety of great local training venues in the Loreto National Park. Rocky features, close islands, periodic surf, delightful water, and stunning mountain scenery comprise your sea playground!
This course is designed for paddlers with a solid foundation of boat handling skills in sheltered water and good physical fitness who would like to progress into more exciting conditions. We integrate related programs in this course, such as aspects of British Canoeing’s Sea Kayak Safety and Rescue course and navigation basics. The training is appropriate for American Canoe Association’s Level 3 Coastal Kayaking and British Canoeing’s Sea Kayak Award. Please let us know a minimum of 2 months in advance of this event if you would like to be assessed ($100 assessment fee covers reporting costs).
Sea Kayak Baja Mexico makes British Canoeing & ACA courses accessible to Latin American participants, many of whom are Baja guides. The background of the participants, as well as the experience of the coaches, enriches any course. Sea Paddler Course will be run by a bilingual coaching team featuring Ginni Callahan and one of her certified and experienced guide/coaching staff.
With skills to handle wind, waves and surf, these become resources and sources of joy. Come play and learn!