I was blown away by our first official kayak-sailing trip, in a wonderful way. A custom group came from Washington state, organized by Jim & Mary who’ve paddled with us almost annually since our very first trip in 2007.
We made it to Isla Monserrate, the first commercial sea kayaking outfitters to do so, that I know of.
The biggest challenge of the Loreto Islands Challenge, Part 1, was keeping cool.
“Flexibility is the key to greater air power,” says my fighter pilot brother-in-law. It’s true of kayak courses as well. The conditions were always good for something.
I caravanned down the peninsula together with Operations Manager Maddie and Sea Paddler Training student Matt, in Maddie’s Subaru and a salvaged ’86 F250 I was just getting to know.
Mulege to Loreto is one of the classic Sea of Cortez paddling routes in Baja and one of our favorite…
Santiago Berrueta is the newest BCU 5 star sea leader in North America and the only Mexican citizen to ever achieve this award.
Over a dozen countries were represented at the event this year and a cacophony of languages filled the dining room at mealtime.
Situated just south of the point is La Bufadora, a small coastal village that boasts one of the largest marine geysers in North America.
From March 18th through the 22nd, Ginni Callahan and Bonnie Perry had the pleasure of leading a trip of women by sea kayak for an experience complete with a ukelele band and sing-alongs under palm trees and starry skies.