Sea Kayak Expeditions are for kayaking enthusiasts who paddle often in dynamic water, who have experience living out of a kayak, and are in appropriate physical condition to enjoy consecutive days of committed paddling.
On Sea Kayak Expeditions, we cultivate efficient bands of sea paddlers and, with them, go really interesting places. Expeditions require a comittment to the group. Awareness and willingness to work as a team are critical. At this level guides are facilitators, and it is the skill and coherence of the group that makes the magic.
Practice leadership in context, assess your leadership skills, or just enjoy an exhilarating expedition!
Ten days. DATES
Loreto to La Paz plus Isla San Jose for adventurers on the high seas!
12 days. DATES
The entire Loreto National Marine Park, as complete as one legally can. By request 1 year out.
12-14 days. DATES
What’s your dream? We can help make it happen!
Any length.
Special adventures by invitation for those who’ve paddled with us before and shown their team spirit and skill. If you haven’t already, please join us for a Journey or Expedition and let us get to know you!
Various lengths.
Join us on an Expedition if you usually do your own trips without a guide, but want to see some special places in a foreign land, or enjoy spending time with other enthusiasts. At this level, your awareness and skills should be a safety asset to the group in dynamic sea conditions. A Journey would be appropriate for developing the foundation to enjoy an Expedition.
The level of physical effort on an Expedition can be challenging to intense. Have good fitness for full-day hike in hilly to mountainous terrain.
Our Expeditions are self-supported camping trips in single kayaks.
Average Daily Distance: 11-15nm (3-5 hours of paddling)
Max Daily Distance: 20nm
Wind: calm to 20kts; force 5; rolling seas
Seas: up to 6′
Crossings: up to 10nm
Surf Landings: up to 4′
Rescue Skills: assisting others, rolling. Be an asset to the group.
British Canoeing standard: Coastal or Advanced Sea Kayak Award, Sea Leader
American Canoe Association standard: Level 4-5, L4 OWCK-TL
Please ask us if you have questions about the conditions and how you can prepare if you’d like to train up for the trip.
Questions? Please
We’d love to hear from you!